Learning from nature
Be as nature is:
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
~Lao Tzu
Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself.
~Zenrin Kushu
The water of the valley stream never shouts at the tainted world: “Purify yourself!”
But naturally, as it is, shows how it is done.
You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to sail.
~Jon Kabat-Zinn
Look at the stream, there are rocks in its way. Does it slam into them out of frustration? It simply flows over and around them and moves on! Be like the water and you will know what harmony is.
~Zen saying
Obey the nature of things, and you are in concord with the Way; Calm and easy and free from annoyance.
~Xinxin Ming: Faith in Mind