
If you're interested in conscious living, then likely you're just as equally interested in Zen but simply not knowingly interested.

Usually Zen is associated with Japanese culture and religious or Buddhism practice, but true Zen (or at least the way this site uses the term) is emphasizing the value of conscious living.

Zen and conscious living come together and go hand-in-hand. Hence, conscious living without Zen is a huge oversight and vice-versa because these are not two.

"Conscious Flex: Zen & Conscious Living" is designed to offer a partnership of how these seemingly two are actually one movement.

Zen is the foundational spaciousness or presence from which conscious living derives. In the same manner that an artist, inventor or intuitive actions come from the stillness in the silence of non-movement.

In other words, Zen is a resting in the powerful space of not thinking about thought, not doing anything about doing, not trying to be the solver or understander, the knower collector but simply allowing the intelligence of life to flow through you and as you.

What is described can be thought of as meditation or accessing our intuition, but it's actually just natural living.

Often you will see kids in a natural resting space or presence and we tell them "snap out of it" because we think they are in "lala land" or "fantasy land" and not paying attention but actually they are simply being completely present with what is. It's natural to just rest and be, that's the flow from which insight and wisdom arises from.

Hence, conscious living is also the natural flow of how life organically expands upon itself. Consequently, conscious living is Zen living, when it's pure and without conceptual overlays.

  • Realizing the Deeper Forces Behind Focus, Thoughts, & Achieving Goals/ Desires

    When focusing on a desire or goal, your main focus will become your reality. Your main focus is usually not what it seems to be. Here is a list of examples to help explain what I mean:

    1. If your focus is to eliminate fear of something, your focus is on fear and therefore, you will create more fear. You will attract more fear and keep fear real by focusing on it. For example, science explains that in the deep core root of everything is energy. Your thoughts are energy and fear is energy. If your thoughts are “eliminate fear”, then the energy of your thoughts are producing more fear by thinking about it (I will explain more later in this article, about how and why thoughts seem to work opposite of a desire).

    2. Let us say your focus is to win playing a gambling machine.

    If your main focus is on the money you are spending, you will experience a lack of money. Financially wealthy people win at gambling most of the time because their main focus is not about the money. In other words, when you have a mind-set of lack, you will continue to experience lack.

    3. If your main focus is on a new diet plan, you will notice all the foods you should not eat (outside of the diet plan) since that is what you rather be eating. The universe always gives you what you truly focus on most. It just does not seem that way because most people use focus in a unconscious way. They have focused on something so much that it became a habit and turned into a limited belief.

    4. If you desire to make your passion your career and your main focus is about how you do not have financial independence right now, you will continue to have that experience. People who succeed at giving passion a chance, do so because their focus is on the passion not the income. When passion is your focus, there is no reason to give up. Most people would do their passion for free, in fact most people do because they do not feel that they should get paid to do something they love.

    Making Personal Development a Career
    Making my passion a career, is a goal that I am presently moving towards. We teach what we desire to learn. When teaching, you continuously repeat yourself. Through repetition you learn what you teach. First you learn it, then you remember it. Eventually you will remember it to the point of automatically and subconsciously being/ doing what you teach. Hence why we are inspired to share something newly discovered. You can always tell what people are going through in their lives, by what they teach.

    I have earned a total income of about $600 spread out over the months of blogging (writing articles). It has never been consistent, which has a little to do with how consistent I write. The most I ever made in a month was about $75 and the least I ever made in a month (besides $0) was at $4 (my first four dollars ever made from online writing/blogging).

    When I can accurately make a steady income, I will start writing articles on how to make a blog (a website that is continuously being updated with articles), the qualities that make a blog user-friendly (which help keep people coming back), how to write clever, creative, original articles that get attention (hence help others), how to make money with your blog, where the blog income is coming from for me (which is likely to work the same way for you), how much I make from each source, how to advertise/ market to get the word-out, and how to keep track of traffic (how many people visit your blog, where they found it online, etc).

    In this way you can do what I do and experience the same results, without going through trail & error, mistakes, or misconceptions because I am sure there are many people who read this blog that have the same passion about personal development that I do and desire to make it their career too but not sure what to do or where to start. I will provide very simple step by step instructions of every detail that makes it happen.

    I have read hundreds of articles about blogging and how to make a income doing it. I must say that by the time people start blogging about how to earn an income, they are already past the beginner stage. Which means that they forget little details that make the biggest differences. Professionals miss steps, leave details out, and consciously forget how to do their profession when teaching. Professionals do things out of habit, habits are done through the subconsciousness. The subconsciousness takes over and the consciousness is off thinking about other things. In order to teach, you have to gain conscious control, this is easy to do if you are not a professional.

    Are You Interested in Writing About Personal Development & Making it a Career?
    Therefore if writing about personal development and making it a career is something that interests you, please enter your email address to subscribe (this will send the new articles to your inbox and this way you will be sure not to miss the updates).

    How & Why Thoughts Seem to Work Opposite of a Desire
    Thoughts have a tremendous effect on your everyday life. In short, this is how it works:
    • Every thought you have is processed through your mind and categorized into a system that eventually leads to a belief, perspective, expectation, or personal truth.
    • After the thought is transformed into the categorized system (a belief, perspective, expectation, or personal truth), a program is set into place. A conditioned way of being based on your new found category.
    • Everything you do from that thought forward, is determined by the system set into place. In other words, the actions you take (or do not take) are determined by the the thoughts you have about something.
    • Since all thoughts are always categorized, you are limited by your thoughts (unless you have a thought that succeeds the limit. In such cases it overrides the system because it encircles all limited beliefs by placing the thought into a category beyond all the former limited categories).

    For example, if you believe that you have to work (Being somewhere you do not want to be and doing something you do not want to do, to earn an income.) in order to survive, then you limit yourself from ever taking action or seeing an opportunity to change that belief and experience. Why would you even try, if you believe it is not possible? Just that one thought categorized into a belief, determined and shaped your entire future for the rest of your life! All thoughts are like this example.

    How to Make the Switch
    This whole article can be narrowed down to saying this: If you want something, then you will continue the experience of wanting. The only way to override this, is to change your mind-set (focus) from lack, to abundance. People who have a mind-set of abundance do not think about lack and you would not think of lack either if you were in that situation.

    Therefore, think in abundance and you will categorize thoughts that lead you to take action towards your goals, rather than limiting yourself to your limited categories.

    Studying people with the mind-set of abundance and modeling them is about the most effective way to make the switch. Here is a list of some thoughts and actions of such people:

    1. I will not give-up on something I desire, no matter how many times I fail. Failure and mistakes only lead me closer to my goal, since now I know what does not work. Once I exhaust all options and choices that do not lead to my goal, then I will have the solution.
    2. Everything I do right now (or choose not to do), will continue to shape everything I do for the rest my life. I have to make a change right now.
    3. Any goal worth having is worth the time it takes to see results.
    4. I will not listen to the excuses I make for myself as to why I am not doing whatever it takes to achieve my goals. I will not allow others to influence my goals based on their excuses.
    5. I know I will reach my goal no matter what, therefore I will act as if I have what I desire already and in doing this I can access how it feels. Knowing this feeling will provide me with the knowledge/ path/ plan to lead me where I am going to end up.
    6. Everything in life happens for a reason. There are infinite possibilities, opportunities, and information that will lead me to my desires, I just have to be open to them and take the actions to get there.
    7. I will not take anything for granted, I am grateful for many things, I am happy because I choose to be, and I am never a victim.

    Most people who take action and think in similar ways to the above list, are people who made change out of inspiration or desperation. Inspiration means you are inspired to change because you see potential of a desire played out and desperation means you are acting out of pain to a given experience. If you choose to make a desired change out of inspiration, then you will be lead to understand that the above methods of abundance mind-set people are accurate (yet will only be visible and happen through experience once you choose to accept them as your own mind-set). If you do not choose it for yourself, then you will likely be forced to choose it through desperation.

    Your ability to change your focus will be your outcome. Let us use the example of saying you have a headache. Instead of noticing it, focusing on it, then complaining about it (since that only makes it worse):
    • Distract your mind from it, by doing something you enjoy, or something you can turn your full attention to. Several times per day the mind subconsciously and automatically does this anyhow. When you are in deep thought, when you are reading a interesting book, when you are playing your favorite video game, when you are in a conversation, when you are emerged with focus, etc. It only takes a little practice to consciously do it at will.
    • Take some medicine, try to sleep (or get less sleep), drink some water, eat some healthy food, take a break, get some fresh air, etc. Do whatever to takes to override the belief you have about the headache. In other words, you have the headache because your body is trying to tell you something (Headaches do not appear for no reason, unless you belief they do, in that case you are right.) and whatever belief you hold that cures headaches will fix the problem.
    • If you have no such remedy, then come to several conclusions that logically make since to you of why the headache is there and apply each conclusion (one of the conclusions will work eventually because of how thoughts/ beliefs work).
    • Focus on what you felt before the headache or what you will feel like after the headache is gone. This kind of focus will bring your desire to the surface of feeling. Feeling creates emotion. Emotion means energy in motion. When you move energy around, you create a interactive flowing source, in which energy can vibrate faster and chunk together to form a manifestation of matter. In other words, you are using the tool of your imagination to visualize the desired outcome (no headache) and what you pay attention to grows (the focus of no headache grows to not having one).